A portfolio website I built for a client including a custom content management system for them to customise the content on the pages of the website built on top of a LAMP stack.
A CRUD Application built with ReactJS & ExpressJS which allows people to create accounts and write text to post which other people can view. People can also edit or delete their posts.
C - User Signup & Creating Posts
R - Viewing User Posts
U - Editing Posts
D - Deleting Posts
This was achieved by creating a REST API with NodeJS &
ExpressJS using a MySQL Database.
was achieved by verifying JSON Web Tokens
An application that consists of multiple types of fish swimming around an aquarium built on top of a simulation developed by a peer. Repository includes design documentation of how the applcication was built. Utilises SOLID, reinforcing Loose Coupling & High Cohesion
A game based on rebuilding an infirmary building. Represents many skills such as event management, storyline inclusion, audio implementations, a combat system, inventory systems, animation, etc.